https://patriciaburke.substack.com/p/may-23-28-safe-tech-international mentions you today, thanks for efforts,

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Thank you Patricia!

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Just to say, Ethernet Mum, re my pet subject, 9/11:

" ... there are credible-sounding arguments from engineers on both sides about what brought the third building, WTC7, down, with detailed reports like this one from the Institute of Northern Engineering in Alaska countering the claims from the official body NIST."

Destructions by fire and destructions by controlled demolition have zero in common and in any case high rise steel frame buildings aren't destroyed by fire. When a building has 80 support columns and it collapses with zero toppling and at virtually free fall acceleration that means all its support columns gave way at virtually the same time and that can only mean controlled demolition.

WTC-7 was not showing a lick of flame at the time of its destruction and the explanation for its collapse by NIST was based purely on speculation about what went on in the building which they had no access to and what they speculated happened had no basis in reality.

WTC-7's collapse was an absolutely perfect implosion, it was impeccable and, of course, the orchestrators of the event know that, in fact, they showcased it to us from seven vantage points. The orchestrators simply relied on the limitless elasticity of the Emperor's New Clothes effect which is far from being a fairy tale, rather it is a technique that keeps on working brilliantly century after century. They also pushed out numerous conflicting streams of propaganda to bamboozle, mislead and misdirect. There's a secret to 9/11 if you're interested:


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Hi ethernet mom, a colleague in the UK told me about your blog. - I publish a newsletter of EMF news and will include you in the next one we send out...I love your sense of humor. best, Patricia in USA

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Hi Patricia. I'm so glad you are liking my new blog (started after 5 years of campaigning on this) and thank you so much for including me in your newsletter - we need as wide a reach as possible! I'd love to see the newsletter if you are able to link it here. All best, Sally

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